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The VEP Program ("Virtual Exchange Program") is a virtual collaborative learning modality that aims to offer a free international experience opportunity to undergraduate students. It is offered to students in order to promote the development of intercultural competences and transversal skills: intellectual skills, attitudes and conduct that promote communication between people of different cultures and habits.

This program is regulated by "Deliberação-UERJ 027/2022".

The language of interaction between the classes involved will be defined between the partners: from UERJ and international professor or lecturer.

The activity must be defined between both partners staff-faculty/professors (UERJ and foreign) who have a common subject/theme and agree to program an activity within their disciplines.

The partners will meet virtually to define the details of the VEP activity before presenting it, together, to the students in their classes.

A suggestion/route to be scheduled between the partners:

- 02 or 03 online meetings between the classes

- in the first meeting the teachers present the proposal for all students, and establish: the schedule; in how many groups the students should be divided; how they will interact (email, whatsapp, etc) to fulfill the proposal; how students will be evaluated.

Please, for more information send an e-mail to: < O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo. >