Coordinator: Prof.ª Maria Claudia Pereira Coelho

Description: The creation of anthropology of emotions as an autonomous area of ​​investigation began in Brazil in the 1990s, with the Research Group on Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions (Prof. Mauro Koury) at the UFPB and with the research line "Transformations of Intimacy" (Prof. Claudia Barcellos Rezende and Maria Claudia Coelho) in the Graduate Program in Social Sciences of Uerj. Since then, the area has experienced a strong development with the meetings of scientific associations in Brazil, such as ABA and ANPOCS, and international meetings, such as Meeting of Anthropology of Mercosur, European Association of Social Anthropology, Portuguese Association of Anthropology and the Argentine Association of Anthropology. Among the topics addressed are the relationships between emotions, body and health / disease experiences and the micropolitical work of the emotions in phenomena of public life, such as violence, policing, social movements, institutions and universes / professional trajectories. Based on this trajectory, this project articulates researchers from the lines "Culture, Subjectivity and Emotions" and "Intellectuals, Policy "of the GP Social Science. The interweaving among the lines occurs through the conjugation of the study of the emotions to the study of the trajectories of intellectuals in some research projects, as part of the broader heading "emotions and universes / professional trajectories". The central objective of this project is the formation of an Ibero-American network in Anthropology of Emotions through the fostering of interlocution among researchers from Brazil, Argentina and Portugal. This promotion will take place through the interlacing of four formats: a) participation in events, mini-courses and workshops as part of the visit work plans; b) publications in co-authorship and co-editor of books; (c) the creation of a site dedicated to the dissemination of research and events; d) comparative research projects. This proposal is based on four main themes that should around the limits and possibilities of construction of the emotions like object of the social sciences. They are: a) emotions, intellectual trajectories and scientific fields; b) body, health, emotion and gender; c) suffering, crises and caution; and d) policing, security and emotions.

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