This topic congregates correlated projects in computation and in theory and experimental physics. Interdisciplinarity is one of the most remarkable characteristics of the physics nowadays, relating directly with various areas of science, such as engineering, biology and medicine, as well as the area of computing. It is also through an interdisciplinary dialog that the high energies physics (HEP) revolutioned the understanding of the laws of the universe. On the other hand, the huge r&d program in the development of instruments needed in the experiments produced a direct impact in the society in the last decade, from consumer technology to communication, producing a true revolution in the development of innovative techniques in diagnosis and medical treatments, especially in the oncology. Theoretical physics has passed by a revolution recently, proposing models to explain from interaction between subatomic particles to behavior of cosmological objects. Many of these models are tested in experiments, which results discards or helps to improve them. In spite of the current state of the understanding of nature’s laws, many questions are still to be answered, such as the comprehension of the universe expansion mechanisms, attributed to dark energy or discrepancy in the measurements of the galaxies movement in relation to the estimation of its mass (the dark matter). Currently, the experiments of the large hadron collider (LHC - CERN / Switzerland) among others, tries to solve the mystery. The volume of data produced by these experiments is so big that it is impossible to analyze them with traditional methods, then new computer techniques, as artificial intelligence and high performance processing are applied. experiments so complex need to be proposed based previous studies, involving simulations and computing modeling, which technics may be applied in other areas, as the behavior of subatomical particles passing through matter, with direct impact in the development of new materials, in the diagnosis by means of radiation, in energy transportation and particle scattering in the matter, that could have an impact on the development of new technologies also in the area of nuclear reactors and in the study of physic processes with great potential in the development of more efficient technologies which can be of great importance for the environment as well.
International Cooperation Projects
>> Contemporary Challenges in Gravitation and Cosmology
>> Strong Interactions: Theoretical Foundations and Applications
>> Computer Modeling of Transportation-Classic Neutral Particles
>> Computational Modeling in Tomography Experiments Computerized and X-Ray Fluorescence
>> Computer Modeling for Applications in Engineering and Environment