Coordinator: Profº Daniel Nunes Pêcego

Description:With research in the History of Brazilian Law, and especially in the History of Brazilian Constitutions, with sociological, philosophical and historical methodologies, the program intends to contribute to a critique of current Law, Justice Institutions and Constitution Interpretations. The project intends to investigate methodologies and solutions from other countries, in order to think about the Brazilian reality - and the research that already exists here - to present creative and critical solutions to the challenges of law and its institutions in Brazil. The strengthening of the internationalization activities already practiced does not take the focus of establishing new internationalization strategies. The GP in Law seeks to fill gaps in terms of development and monitoring of the internationalization actions, seeking to understand the impact on the performance of the strategies adopted. The breaking of borders, then customarily thought of internally in the legal community, provides the contact with systems from different countries, leading to a global awareness of the axiological load and citizenship of the members of the educational institution. The promotion is fundamental to the Program's engagement in its active policies rooting international actions. The program, based on its needs and particularities, establishes a plan to optimize access to global knowledge. Relations with the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Argentina and Portugal are hereby established through agreements with the following Universities: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Academia de Direito Internacional de Haia, Virginia University, Université Toulouse, Université Lyon, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Université Paris Nanterre (Paris 10), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt), Max-Planck Hamburgo, Max-Planck Luxemburgo, University of Connecticut, School of Law Harvard, Kennedy School, Universidade de Yale, Northeastearn University Boston, Universidade de Bordeaux, Universidade de Paris 8, Universidade Maastricht, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universität Hamburg, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt).

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