Coordinator: Profª Sheila Cabo

Description: The issue addressed is justified by a global scenario marked by a broad theoretical and public discussion on the colonial legacy, post-colonialism, and the decoloniality of power and knowledge. Research that involves Brazilian professors (Uerj), from Argentina (UBA and National University of San Martín), from Mexico (UNAM) and United States (UC / Berkeley) has as its main focus a transdisciplinary approach and a theoretical engagement that seeks to question the advance of conservative policies and denounce the epistemicide of knowledge that is reflected in the epistemes of southern western universities, which reproduce dominant structures of knowledge founded in Eurocentric historical narratives, which provoked, among other consequences, epistemic racism / sexism. In proposing the writing of geopoetics and new epistemes the project inscribes the relations of art and culture in the contemporaneity, unveiling its aesthetic and political power. GP Arts of Uerj is formed by professors of different lines of research that have common interests regarding the relations between art, culture and politics, mainly on issues such as post-colonial studies and the decoloniality of power, ethnic-racial relationship and the African diaspora, through transdisciplinary approaches that include dialogues with the anthropology, history and the teaching of art. As already mentioned, the project brings together professors from Uerj, from Argentina (UBA National University of San Martín), Mexico (UNAM) and the United States (UC / Berkeley) with the objective of inscribing geopoetic and new epistemes that seek a view on the relations of art and culture in the contemporaneity of a post-colonial perspective, in dialogue with the critique of studies of the decoloniality of power to the epistemicide provoked by the colonial legacy in the westernized universities. The main challenge of the project is to understand the experiences of art in this field of dispute, conflicts and negotiations.