Coordinator: Profª Maria da Conceição Silva Soares

Description: The research groups involved in this project (from Graduate Program of Education/ProPEd-Uerj) and the GP Formative Processes) have been working for many years to understand the relationships and the texture of knowledge in multiple educational networks that are formed in human everyday life and in which we all form. These networks are understood as of practical theories and are thus enunciated: the one of the academic formation; daily pedagogical actions; that of government policies; the collective actions of social movements; the creation and "use" of the arts; that of research in education; the production and 'uses' of media; the experience of the cities, the countryside and the roadside. Cultural and educational processes in these networks are common concerns of the group and are developed with diversified uses and creation of images: photographs, videos, movies and countless other audio-visual resources, in on-site and online actions. These projects maintain relations with several groups abroad with: A) Cirnef (Center Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Normand in Éducation et Formation) since 1997; B) University of Porto, in the theme of genres and sexualities; C) Open University of Lisbon, on online education; D) University of Minho, on childhood and multiple cultures; E) University of Buenos Aires; E) University of La Plata; 3) Universidad de La Republica, Uruguay, around issues of youth culture, urban culture and images; D) CINVESTAV - Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute - Sector Educational research. With these institutions numerous relationships are developed: student and teacher mobilities; co-authored publications; participation in congresses held in different countries.