Coordinator: Profº Walter Omar Kohan

Description: The project extends work among philosophy, education and childhood both from the perspective of philosophical experimentation with young children up to the formation of teachers, from three articulating concepts: emancipation, childhood and experience. The emancipation is considered, starting from J. Rancière, an exception to the logic of the institution, when there is a fundamental equality among the subjects involved, beyond its age, social class, ethnicity, gender. Childhood is a category of subjectivity that allows subjects to think beyond chronology in the sense of Lyotard, as well as the crossings among temporality, transformation and subjectivity with Deleuze and Guattari. It concerns, therefore, the childhood of nursery school teachers. Finally, the philosophy as an experience of thought considers that the school institution can welcome a thinking willing to call into question its presuppositions, committed in the problematization of oneself and the world. With a wide international articulation, this project, which is the nucleus of ProPEd's (Graduate Program of Education) line of research on Childhood and Youth, has been collaborating for several years with universities in the United States, Argentina, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Canada and Russia.

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