Coordinator: Profª Rosana Glat

Description:The objectives of the study are: initial and continuous teacher training in the elaboration of an educational project that contemplates the communication and learning of the students with diverse deficiencies; use of assistive technology and alternative communication; an individualized educational plan that contemplates an individualized transition plan for adult life and / or the world of work, in order to enable the subject with intellectual deficiency to leave school. With the increasing presence in the classrooms of students with intellectual disabilities and others with motor disabilities who are unable to communicate through speech, the proposal of inclusive education faces a great challenge and needs to base its practice on evidence. With the policy of inclusive education, the school should be thought of as a locus of learning for all. It is necessary that the school realize necessary transformations as: the formation of the teacher; the planned and consistent use of Assistive Technology (AT) resources, such as alternative and increased communication and a schooling aimed at leaving the student to adulthood and work. We intend to: train students of pedagogy with knowledge and practical notions of ta and caa; promote and evaluate continuing education involving learning, planning, communication and social interaction; evaluate the effects of assessment techniques and learning and learning protocols; develop, implement and evaluate an individualized transition plan for the adult life and work of young people and adults with intellectual disabilities. It is hoped that with funding we can continue with the network of national and international researchers in search of promising results and closer relationship with: University of Oslo; University of Dublin; Trinity College University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Manchester Metropolitan University; Gothenburg University; School of Rehabilitation Therapy - Queen's university; National Dong Hwa University Hua-shih college of education; University of Helsinki; Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg; University of Barcelona; Radboud University; Purdue University; Kansas University; University of Massachusetts; New York University, articulating countries Norway, Ireland, USA, United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Taiwan, Finland, Germany, Spain and Netherlands.