Coordinador: Profº Pedro Jorge Von RankePerlingeiro

Description: The study of i-caloric effects, where i represents an external parameter on which the entropy depends, for example, voltage, magnetic and / or electric field, is of great interest from the technological as well as from the theoretical-academic point of view. From the technological point of view these effects have as their main application an ecological and more efficient alternative to conventional refrigeration. From the theoretical-academic point of view, the i-caloric effects present a great potential for the investigation of fundamental physical properties of the materials. The research group on magnetism of UERJ has made relevant contributions to the theme, in addition to maintaining important international collaborations. With this project we intend to increase these collaborations. This project intends in general to develop models to describe the fundamental physical properties of various materials with i-caloric effects, such as the magnetocaloric, electrocaloric and barocaloric effect, or the combination of these effects in so-called multi-center effects. Our models use the midfield approximation and include the fundamental interactions to describe the properties of interest, eg with respect to magnetic properties our models include interactions like exchange interaction, Zeeman and crystal electric field to describe materials with localized magnetism. This project links the institutions: Ameslab (USA) and University of Denmark.