Coordinator: Profª Clara Maria de Oliveira Araújo
Description: New legislation on gender-based violence has been introduced in many countries, such as the new Feminicide Law, which defines the homicide of women motivated by their gender. Various prevention programs and public awareness campaigns were released. The aim was to convert gender violence from a private issue to a public issue, so that the whole society and large organs assume their responsibility in preventing it. In spite of such movement, the levels of violence continue to grow throughout the world, and little is known about how and to what extent campaigns helped to change attitudes and behaviors in the desired direction. This comparative project seeks to our knowledge of the characteristics of such campaigns to prevent gender-based violence in various countries, in order to reflect on possible improvements in them. The GP SOCIAL SCIENCE has a tradition of applied studies and public policies in several areas, particularly in violence and gender that are located in two lines of research of the Program: A) Violence, Citizenship and Public Policy; B) Family, Gender and Generations. The cultural similarity between violence in Spain, Portugal, Colombia and Brazil led to cooperation between gender violence in our Program. This study is intended to analyze gender-based violence prevention campaigns launched by public and private organizations in Brazil between 2000 and 2017. An analysis of campaign content will be conducted to evaluate the results achieved and optimize the impact of future campaigns. A denotative and connotative analysis will be done to verify different hypotheses about the communicative purposes of the advertisers, the type of prevention (primary, secondary or tertiary) that the campaigns propose, the audience to whom they are directed and the meaning of the messages. The analysis will date of the campaign and the three structures in which the sample will be divided: A) Public Organizations (Federation, states and counties); B) Political Parties and Trade Unions and C) women's organizations and other NGOs. Campaigns in Spain, Portugal and Colombia, including: MASTER'S PROGRAM IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY – UNIVERSITY COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID; PROGRAM OF PhD IN PSYCHOLOGY - UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA AND LISBON; PhD IN SOCIAL SCIENCES, CHILDREN AND YOUTH. - UNIVERSITY OF MANIZALES Y CINDE.
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